Dangerous goods
1.1 Explosives with a mass explosion hazard | |||
1.2 Explosives with a severe projection hazard. | |||
1.3 Explosives with a fire, blast or projection hazard but not a mass explosion hazard. | |||
1.4 Minor fire or projection hazard (includes ammunition and most consumer fireworks). | |||
1.5 An insensitive substance with a mass explosion hazard (explosion similar to 1.1) | |||
1.6 Extremely insensitive articles. |
2.1 non-flammable non-toxic gases | |||
2.2 Toxic gases | |||
2.3 Flammable (combustible) gases | |||
2.4 Toxic and flammable gases | |||
2.5 Poisonous and flammable gases |
3.0 Легковоспламеняющиеся жидкости | Красный фон Черное (белое) пламя Маркировка – 3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 | ЛЕГКОВОСПЛАМЕНЯЮЩАЯСЯ ЖИДКОСТЬ FLAMMABLE LIQUID INFLAMMABLE LIQUIDE LIQUIDO FLAMABLE | |
3.1 Flammable liquids with a flash point less than minus 18°C in the closed crucible | |||
3.2 Flammable liquids with a flash point not less than minus 18 °C but less than 23 °C | |||
3.3 Flammable liquid with a flash point not less than 23 °C but not more than 61 °C |
4.1 Flammable solids | |||
4.2 substances liable to spontaneous combustion | |||
4.3 Substances that emit flammable gases in contact with water |
5.1 oxidizing substances | |||
5.2 Organic peroxides |
6.1 Poisonous substances | |
6.1 Poisonous substances |
7.1 Radioactive materials |
8.0 Едкие и (или) коррозионные вещества | Верхняя часть - белый, нижняя часть - черный Капли, вытекающие из одной пробирки на металлическую пластинку, а из другой - на руку. Капли разъедают металл, руку Маркировка – 8, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 | ЕДКОЕ/КОРРОЗИОННОЕ CORROSIVE CORROSIFE CORROSIVO (CAUSTICO) | |
8.1 Caustic and (or) corrosive substances having acidic properties | |||
8.2 Caustic and (or) the corrosive substance having basic properties | |||
8.3 Different caustic and (or) corrosive substances |
9.0 miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles | |||
9.1 the Goods are not assigned to classes 1 - 8 | |||
9.2 the Goods have dangers, the manifestation of which is dangerous only when they are transporting bulk water transport |